Bundle of Color Fat Quarters

I love bright colors and I happen to spend a bit of time each year in India. So I am happy to curate bundles for you which feature fabrics from Indian artisans. The Bundle of Color is a 10 piece fat quarter bundle full of blues, greens, reds and pinks. 

I love the combination of large and small prints in this collection. There is also a bit of floral and geometric. The bundle consists of a mix of hand block printed and screen printed fabrics. All fabrics are ethically sources so the artisans are paid a fair wage. 

When I was looking through my scraps of this bundle I noticed the pinks and reds reminded me of Valentines Day. So I quickly drew out a little sketch of a basic heart I could make for a heart pillow. 

I cut my fabric into little 1 1/2 in. x 1 1/2 in. pieces. I used 2 inch squares to make 2 at a time half square triangles. With a bit of tiny sewing and a short stitch length I sewed this together in 2 days. 

My little girls stole the pillow which is fine because it turned out too tiny to put on the couch but is perfect for them to play with. 

I have a couple ideas on how to use this bundle with my next quilt.

These bundles are only made once and won't be repeated. Get your limited time bundle before they are gone. 

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