Slightly Scrambled is my beginner friendly modern quilt pattern. It's a bit mixed up, but also has some organization to it. This pattern uses four patches to create a diagonal pattern which carries throughout the quilt.
Buy a copy of the pattern here.

Slighly Scrambed has two variations. I decided to use the fat quarter variation when making this quilt. But there is also a yardage and charm square version which uses less fabrics throughout and gives the quilt a bit more of an organized look. You can see the quilt I made using this option here.
As I said I decided to make the fat quarter version and the twin size. I usually make throw size quilts. But I have decided to make more twin sized quilts since my kids are getting bigger and want longer quilts.
I chose the line Flowerland by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society to use for my quilt. I loved the variety of sizes of prints and the bright colors as well as the flowers and geometric designs. You can see the prints I chose from the collections below. The pinks and corals are my favorites.

I chose one of the prints from the Flowerland collection to use as the background fabric. It's a very subtle white on white diamond fabric.
I designed the Slightly Scrambled Quilt Pattern to be a beginner friendly quilt pattern. So a good portion of the squares are four patches. I love the four patch block because there are several different ways to make it and I like the classic clean look of it.
If you nest the seams, the four patch is an easy block to get a good clean point. So if you are a beginner quilter, wanting to grow your confidence, the four patch is a good block to start with.

Slightly Scrambled uses a lot of strip piecing. Strip piecing is when you sew long strips of fabric together and then cut those into smaller blocks. This makes the sewing process go much faster because you don't have to sew all the tiny pieces together.
You can see below all my strips cut out ready to sew together.

If you have never chain pieced a quilt before this quilt is a great one to learn with. I like to chain piece the blocks. This means I can batch sew them all at once, press the chain pieced blocks all at once, then finish piecing them all at once. It goes quite fast.
Chain piecing is easy to learn with smaller sewing projects like a quilt block, as opposed to a whole quilt. You can find a short video on chain piecing here.

You can see my pile of chain pieced blocks above waiting to be pressed.
I like to randomly piece my blocks together. I just make sure that there isn't two of the same fabrics in the quilt block. But otherwise I do not plan out all my blocks.

A couple things about the Slightly Scrambled Quilt Pattern...
This modern quilt pattern is for the beginner quilter.
It is fat quarter, charm square and yardage friendly.
The pattern is written with two variations.
Slightly Scrambled comes with four sizes:
- Baby 36 in. x 36 in.
- Throw 60 in. x 72 in.
- Twin 72 in. x 96 in.
- Queen 96 in. x 108 in.

This quilt was easy and fun to make. I love how the fat quarter version gives the quilt a bit of a scrappy look.
I loved the Flowerland line so much I chose the backing from the same line. You can see below the backing and the quilt top all ironed and ready to send off to the quilter.

I sent this quilt off to Knot and Thread Designs to be quilted. It's hard to quilt twin size quilts on regular sewing machines. I have a machine with a larger throat than most and I still don't like to do it. Plus, I already knew which panto I wanted Kaitlyn to sew on this quilt.
Rainbows seemed like the perfect choice to go with all the colors, flowers, and geometric shapes in the fabrics. I usually have a hard time choosing pantos and let Kaitlyn choose with me. But this time I already knew. The rainbows give the quilt a childlike quality which I love and I knew my little girl would love it too.

If you participated in the quilt-a-long, thank you! I loved making this quilt.
Make sure to get your copy of this fun, slightly mixed up quilt pattern in my shop.
1 comment
I was wondering about why you pressed the seams open.