Rosie's Quilt Pattern is pretty special partly because it's named after one of my children, but also because I just love the design. I mean, I guess I'm biased because I designed it. :) I not only love the design, but I love this specific quilt, made from my curated bundle from India.
Get your copy of the Rosie's Quilt Pattern here.

If you are new around here, I am frequently in India for my husband's job. So I have a great love of the beautiful fabrics and colors I see on a regular basis. In fact, when I am there I wear these fabrics every day. They are so unique because most are hand printed. They are truly made like pieces of art.
The fabrics incorporate so many cultural elements of India. The flowers and geometric designs are ones I see when I travel around my home away from home.
When I travel back to the states from India I usually like to bring a curated bundle or two to share with you. This Rosie's Quilt was made from one of those bundles.
When I was curating this bundle I fell in love with all the deep reds, blacks and creams. The various prints with florals and geometrics all go together so well.
You can find the bundles in my fabric shop here.
Please note the bundles are not a kit for the Rosie's Quilt Pattern, they are fat quarter bundles.

Let's talk for a minute about the Rosie's Quilt Pattern. This pattern was inspired by so many of the tours of palaces and forts our family has taken over our time visiting India. I have lots of images on my phone of beautiful patterns from ceilings to walls to floors. I used those as inspiration for this quilt design.
I didn't want the pattern to just have one or two colors. The point was to have lots of colors interacting with each other throughout the quilt. In fact, I think the more colors used, the more fun the quilt becomes.
The pattern is written for the most efficient use of fabric. But if you have large scraps or are fine with cutting into more than the called for number of fabrics I think the quilt benefits.

Rosie's Quilt is a beginner friendly quilt pattern. It uses basic cutting skills and the 8 at a time Half Square Triangle Method to speed things up a bit. There is a lot of trimming of Half Square Triangles, but in the end the effort is worth it.
Rosie's Quilt has a whopping 5 sizes! I wanted you to be able to make most any size you wanted. So I included all the ones below.
Quilt sizes:
- Baby 36 in. x 36 in.
- Throw 54 in. x 72 in.
- Twin 72 in. x 90
- Queen 90 in. x 108 in.
- King 108 in. x 108 in.

About this Quilt
I cut 1/4 yards for this throw size Rosie's Quilt. The center fabric of each block is a slightly brighter red than the other fabrics. For this reason I thought it would stand out well in the middle of each block. It is a directional print. So this means when piecing each block it's important to make sure each unit is going the correct direction before sewing them together.

I like to lay out the fabrics for a block, then chain piece them all together. I set it aside and then do the next one. After I have a good group of blocks chain pieced, I then go back and press the seams and finish sewing the rows together.
The background fabric for this quilt is a very beautiful hand block printed cream/off white with a black print. It has the most delicate beautiful flowers. It is absolutely beautiful with the other fabrics.
These fabrics have a loose weave. So I would suggest using a starch spray with fabrics like these. I didn't have starch when I made this quilt. It was totally doable, but it would have made things a bit easier if I had it.
Click here to see my favorite crafting and quilting spray. I use it when I am ironing and it works adds just enough starch to get a good cut, but not too much that your fabric is stiff.

You can see my finished quilt top below. I finished this in our flat in India. So I'm holding it up in my bedroom to take a photo. :)

I chose a fabric I had bought locally for the backing. It worked perfect with the front. It is that deep red color. You can see it in the pictures below. I didn't think it quite went with the bundle, but it does look great on the back of the quilt.
I pin basted and quilted straight lines 1/2 inch apart horizontally across the quilt. It was easy to do this quilting with the Rosie's Quilt Pattern because I was able to match up the quilting every couple lines with the seams on the quilt. This is a good way to make sure your lines are staying straight. Even thought lines look like they are straight, over time they slowly get slightly off and before you know it they can be off by an inch. I like to find a way for my quilting to line up with the seams if possible as a way of checking myself.
You can see where the quilt sat for a while below while it waited for me to get around to sewing on the binding.

Below you can get a close up look at how beautiful the fabrics are.

All quilted together the quilt has a very soft feel with the backing. I love how this feels. I haven't washed it yet, although I probably should. I just love looking it out right now without all the wrinkles.
Don't forget to grab your copy of Rosie's Quilt Pattern in my shop or a fabric bundle in my shop to make your own quilt using this beautiful fabric.
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