All right, I know many of you have strong feelings when you think of Cicadas. You might think of mind numbing noise that won't stop. I don't live in the areas where Cicadas come out to haunt every few years, so I don't have this association.
Which means I'm going to reframe this word for you and help you understand why I named this star and half square triangle heavy pattern the Cicada Market Pattern.
Buy your copy of the Cicada Market Quilt Pattern here.

Where did I come up with the name Cicada Market?
This is the name of a popular night market in Hua Hin, Thailand. My husband, kids and I stayed right down the road from it one time while visiting Thailand. If you ever go to Thailand, night markets are a fun cultural experience.
Because we have younger kids we don't go to many night markets, or we go right when they are beginning. What I really fell in love with at this night market was all the decorations, especially the pink fabric hanging at different lengths.
You can see below some images of the fabric I am talking about and the market we went to. It was such a fun family time and no we did not eat any seafood. :)

As you can see from above the Cicada Market is an adventure when it comes to food. All the running around can wear little bodies out.
Like I said, what I really loved was the fabric hanging down for the decorations. It created an almost magical feel to parts of the market.
You can see below the beautiful tunnel of fabric my little girls loved running under. You can also tell we always get sun burned when we go to Thailand. LOL!

More About the Pattern
The Cicada Market Quilt Pattern uses two different scaled quilt blocks to create depth and movement. The different sized stars allow for a variety of colors to be used which all interact and play with each other. I mentioned before that the Cicada Market Quilt Pattern is half square triangle heavy. The pieces are small. It's not a quick make, but it is a beautiful make and quite satisfying when finished.

A Second Option
Because I know a lot of quilters want a quicker option I also wrote the Cicada Market 2 Quilt Pattern. The blocks are the same, however they are double the size. This means the quilt comes together much quicker and everything is on a larger scale. You can see my first mock up for this pattern below. It really matches with the vibes of the Cicada Market. This is the throw size and measures 60 in. x 60 in. when completed.

This pattern still uses a lot of half square triangles, but since the scale is so much larger there are less blocks and therefore much less work. It's a great pattern if you don't love working with tiny pieces.
You can get a copy of the Cicada Market 2 Pattern here.
I love all the color options with this quilt. If you want some ideas see my mock up block post here.
Grab your copies of the Cicada Market Patterns and don't forget to share with me as you create your own version.