Quilting Dictionary
Quilting can be confusing if you are just starting out. Here is a list of some common quilting words and their definitions.
Backing- the layer of fabric on the back side of the quilt
Bias- 45 degree diagonal line across the horizonal and vertical threads of woven fabics. This cut of fabric has more stretch.
Bias Binding- cutting binding strips on the 45 diagonal line
Binding- long piece of fabric sewn to the outer edge of the quilt to cover the raw edge
Fat-Eighth- A 1/8th yard of fabric which measures 9 inches x 21 inches
Fat Quarter- A 1/4 yard of fabric which measures 18 inches x 21 inches
Fussing Cutting- Cutting out a specific object from fabric to include in a quilt
Hand Quilting- sitiching through all three layers of your quilt (quilt top, batting, backing) by hand
Machine Quilting- stitching through all three layers of your quilt (quilt top, batting, backing) using a sewing machine
Machine Tension- determines the quality of the stitch, the needle and bobbin tension must be balanced to have a balanced stitch. Tension can be affected by many things consult your machine manual.
Nesting Seams- aligning the seams by pressing them in opposite directions so that when the rows are put right sides together the seams are going in different directions. This helps the seams line up and slip into place.
Pessing- Pressing an iron on fabric, lifting the iron off, then moving to a new spot, instead of sliding an iron across fabric
Puckered Seam- seams that look gathered or pulled up, can be caused by poor machine tension or fabric being pulled
Quilt Sandwich- The three parts of the quilt layered together, quilt top, batting, backing (this is done when basting)
Sashing- Strips of fabric which border blocks or add a visual break in the quilt
Seam Allowance- in quilting seam allowance is 1/4 inch, which is the distance between the edge of the fabric and the seam line.
Selvage- the edge on woven fabric which prevents if from unraveling
Squaring a Quilt- trimming the edges off the quilt in order to straighten the edges to sew on the binding
Walking Foot- a sewing machine foot which has grippers to help pull thicker or layered fabric through the machine. These are commonly used when quilting.