Today let's talk about Slightly Scrambled, my modern quilt pattern for the beginner quilter, and the first version I made.
Why is Slightly Scrambled for the beginner quilter? Well, it uses easy cuts, no complicated sewing and lots of strip piecing to make a scrappy, block based quilt. It's also fat quarter and precut friendly.You can find a copy of Slightly Scrambled here.

About the Pattern and the Four Patch
Slightly Scrambled was designed as a block based quilt pattern. I wanted to include the four patch in a pattern because I think it is such a great, basic block. I love four patch quilts! But I also wanted to put a spin on the four patch and include some other elements to the quilt.If you are a beginner quilter the four patch is a good block to learn. It's easy, and quick. If you nest the seams it's also easy to get your points just about perfect. Nesting means pressing your seams in opposite directions so when you place them right sides together they magically slide into place.
There are many ways to make a four patch. I have a series of short videos which show four different ways to sew a four patch. You can find those here.

The Slightly Scrambled Quilt Pattern includes directions for 5 inch precuts, yardage and fat quarters. You can also use 2 1/2 in. precut strips (like a Jelly Roll) for the background fabric. I like to write my patterns so that most quilters can find a cut of fabric they might already have on hand and begin cutting.
Slightly Scrambled is written with four sizes:
- Baby 36 in. x 36 in.
- Throw 60 in. x 72 in.
- Twin 72 in. x 96 in.
- Queen 96 in. x 108 in.
The throw size of this pattern uses 15 fat quarters. This means it's pretty easy to find or coordinate a bundle.
This pattern assumes that the quilter has some quilting experience and can sew a consistent 1/4 inch seam.

About this Quilt
I just love how this quilt turned out! I am not the best at choosing colors and second guess myself constantly. So I like to buy curated bundles. This means someone else has already done all the hard work of figuring out if the fabrics look good together.I bought this bundle from Meghan at Then Came June. She has great fabric bundles. I liked this particular one because she suggests a green background fabric. I usually always use white background fabric because it's easy.
This quilt is a throw size and requires 15 fat quarters. The bundle I bought had 16, so I just pulled one out I didn't want to use.

The background color used in this quilt is Lagoon by Bella Solids. I am not a fan of green, but this is an exception. It is such a beautiful color. I love how it goes with all the other fabrics I never would have thought to put with it.
Because this was the first version of the Slightly Scrambled Quilt Pattern I was excited to see how the blocks would come together and if they would look as nice together in physical form as they did in my design.

It's important with each block of this modern quilt pattern to use a variety of fabrics in each block. I tried to spread out the fabrics, designs and colors in each block and as much as possible tried not to double up fabrics. This isn't always possible. When the blocks get sewn into the quilt it isn't as noticeable if two of the same fabrics are in one block.
Most of the sewing for this quilt is fast straight sewing. So even if you are an experienced quilter, this is a fun, fast quilt to make.

The nice thing about Slightly Scrambled is you really don't have to plan that much ahead when laying out the blocks to sew them into rows. I laid out my blocks to get the general idea of the quilt, then randomly sewed them into rows. After pressing I decided which order I wanted the rows to go in. Unless you are using directional fabric the blocks can be flipped upside down, which means the rows can be too. So if some fabrics were touching that I didn't like, then I just flipped the row or changed the order of the rows.

I went to my local quilt shop and looked for backing fabric. I decided to go with tiger fabric because... why not? I think it is so cute! I am all about choosing cheap backings and a lot of times choose solids for this reason. However, every once in a while you have to splurge and get the tigers. Right?
While we have been in America I have decided to spoil myself and try to not quilt any of my own quilts. When I live in Asia I quilt all of my own quilts and I get tired of it. It's hard to think of new designs and get inspired to quilt. All that to say, I sent this to Kait from Knot and Thread Design. I saw on Instagram another quilt with the Thumbprint Panto. I asked if she had it and she did! So that's what we went with.

Here is the funny thing about pantos. When I look at the designs on quilters websites I don't always love them. But, when I see other quilters use the same panto on their quilts and I can see what it would look like quilted, then I like them. If I hadn't seen another quilt with the Thumbprint Panto I never would have chosen it from Kait's website.
If you aren't quite sure which design to choose or you are sending a quilt out to a long arm quilter to the first time and have no idea what you want, I suggest looking at other quilters to see what you like and dislike.

The quilting on this quilt added such nice texture to the quilt. I just love how it turned out and the thread choice.
Slightly Scrambled may be designed for the beginner quilter. But as an experienced quilter I loved making it. The four patches are such a classic block and it's always fun to play with colors and fabrics in new modern quilt patterns.
Buy a copy of Slightly Scrambled today and start working on those four patches!

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