You can find The Rebekah in my shop.
The Rebekah is my new modern, and slightly funky, quilt pattern geared to the beginner quilter. It uses a handful of fat quarters and a jelly roll. This pattern is super fast and should probably be called the weekend quilt because you could easily finish a throw size in a weekend. I like it because it's great for precuts and compatible with yardage. It's a very versatile pattern, yet also easy to make.

Why is it called "The Rebekah"?
This pattern was inspired by a desire to have a basic pattern available for those who have never made a quilt before. I came up with the idea when thinking of one of my other quilt patterns. I played off the stripes used in it, and played around with the concept of mixing them up a bit. I made sure to include the option of a jellyroll and fat quarters for this quilt. As I was sewing it up I thought to call it "Basically Scrambled" but that name just sounds quite boring. After I finished my first version it reminded me of my sweet friend Rebekah.
I met Rebekah a while ago when we lived in Georgia, heck, she wasn't even married then and I only had two children. Since then we have gone through different transitions, international moves, had children and thanks to her, still stayed in touch. We are currently both in the Pacific Northwest and have been able to see each other as much as possibly safe during the Pandemic.
Rebekah reminds me of a butterfly. Whenever I visit her she seems to flutter around the room making sure everyone is taken care of. She gets me coffee, then wonders if I really wanted tea. Then, brings a snack, but asks if I wanted something different. She makes sure my kids have something to do and feel loved. My oldest two love visiting Rebekah. They love to sit back and watch her flutter around (they also love that her husband will play any game ever made with them).
The Rebekah and I showing off matching sunglasses.
Remember how I said I was going to name the quilt "Basically Scrambled"? Well, Rebekah is a bit scrambled as well. When she leaves me a message on Marco Polo I never quite know what she will say. You can regularly hear me laughing following her train of thought or listening to the unique way she says things. Her 20 minute rambling messages are famous in our house, and I love it. It just takes me a while to listen to them. My husband says when I see Rebekah I start to talk just like her. LOL! Her scrambledness (I just made up a word, I think) is what makes her special.
Above is the the quilt top of the first version I made of this quilt. You can read more in depth about this quilt here. I was very happy with how this turned out. And I'm not sure why, but I was surprised at how cheerful and happy looking this version is.
This picture was taken early one morning after dropping my 3rd child off at preschool. Quilt pictures are my husband's least favorite part of my quilting business. Which is kind of funny because he used to be a professional photographer. LOL! We found this mural in the tiny town we are living in on the side of a restaurant. It adds so much to the picture.

You can read about the quilt on the left using Warp and Weft here.
All right, let's get back on track. There is one big thing about the quilt I wanted you to notice about this pattern. In the picture above you can see two quilts both made using The Rebekah pattern. The quilt on the right uses a jellyroll for the patterned fabric and yardage for the background off white fabric. The quilt on the left uses fat quarters for the colored fabric and a jelly roll for the white fabric (you can also use yardage cut into 2 1/2 inch strips). Basically, what I am trying to tell you is the pattern can be made different ways depending on what fabric you have available and the look you want it to have.
If you are new to quilting don't be intimidated by this quilt. I know it looks like you might have to spend hours piecing tiny strips of fabric, but you don't! That's part of the fun of The Rebekah, it's a bit scrambled in how you make it too.

The hope you love the Rebekah as much as I do. It's a great modern pattern for beginners, or just a fun pattern to get ready for summer. I'm thinking of taking one of these modern quilts to the baseball fields and using it while I watch my son play.
Have fun, and don't forget to tag me with any creations.